Tuesday, June 09, 2009


Most people know that I can't cook, bake or grill. Well maybe I can, but it doesn't taste all that great. One thing that I seem to make for myself often are tacos. When I do make tacos, I make enough so that it will last me the entire week and that is all I really eat for that week. I only put meat, rice, sour cream, cheese and taco sauce on my tacos. I have been doing some thinking on this, and I don't know if it makes sense or not. I have all of these "ingredients" stored in separate containers in my refrigerator. Why not combined them all together? I could just mix them altogether in one big Tupperware bowl, and this would save me the time when I have to reheat it. Is this a stroke of genius or am I an idiot?
Is it a good idea to mix all taco "fixings" together in one big bowl?
Yes, Why didn't I think of that?
No, It is a wonder you can even dress yourself in the morning.
Can't you get swine flu from eating tacos?
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