Thursday, May 08, 2008

Antonio Freeman Party

The word has been out for a while now, but I might as well make it official. There will be no Antonio Freeman Party this year. I realize that this is a disappointment to many people. There a number of reasons why I have decided not to throw the party this year. First, I am living out of town, which makes it a bit harder to plan. Second, I like to oversee every little detail and with the number of people attending continuing to climb, I got pretty stressed out last year. Third, and most importantly, Tammy is living in my house right now. I really can't have my party there with someone living there. I know other people have offered up there houses to have the party, but I do not feel comfortable having my friends trash someone else's house. I can just hear it the questions after the party. "How can Justus go through 3 LP tanks while cooking?" "Why did Preston pass out in kids bed?" "Who told TT he could eat the two pounds of bacon in the freezer and the three jars of mayonnaise in the pantry?" "How did Jay manage to burn not only all of our fire wood but also three chairs left over from the musical chairs?" Plus the party just wouldn't be the same if it was held somewhere else. Once I am back and living in my house, I will be throwing the party again on a regular basis. I apologize for any inconvenience.


Anonymous said...

I'm very disappointted Ricky. You better have one hell of an amazing comback party once your back living in your house.

Anonymous said...

We sure will miss the party but we'll count on you to be the life of the party at our next gathering.

Rickie Davies said...

Sorry but I had to delete such profanity as there are a number of kids that do read my blog.