Tuesday, December 18, 2007

No Country For Old Men

I went to see No Country For Old Men last week. I liked this movie. This jist of the movie is Llewelyn Moss (Josh Brolin) stubbles across a drug deal gone bad. Where upon he finds $2 million dollars. He keeps the money, but obviously that money belongs to someone, and Anton Chigurh (Javier Bardem) is on the trail to reclaim this money. What I liked about this movie most was the character of Anton Chigurh. He is the "bad guy". But the character is cool, calm and calculating yet also highly brutal throughout the movie. When the movie was over, I thought to myself, if I was Javier Bardem, I would just show up at a movie theater and stand outside the movie when it is over and scare people just by my own presence. There were a couple of things that I didn't like about this movie. First how was Woody Harrelson's character (Carson Wells) able to find Llewelyn Moss so quickly and also locate the money. Was he telapathic? Also the character of Sheriff Ed Tom Bell (Tommy Lee Jones), the movie could have been made without him even being in the movie. And I didn't care for the final scene of the movie. Maybe it was just over my head and I didn't understand it. I will give this movie a 6.


Anonymous said...

a 6? Come on buddy this is an 8-9 for sure w/ Fargo being a 10 "fer sure"

Top 5 Cohen Bros Movies (in Borky's Book)
1. Fargo
2. The Big Lebowski
3. No Country For Old Men
4. Millers Crossing
5. Raising Arizona


Anonymous said...

By the way, you didn't understand it.

The only thing I found odd is that it was set in 1980 and they mentioned an ATM. Were there ATM's in 1980? Maybe in NY or other large cities, but in Shittsville,TX...pry not.


Rickie Davies said...

Maybe I need to watch it again. I wasn't a huge fan of Fargo the first time I saw it either.

So I am a moron and didn't understand it, no surprise there. But explain this to me smart guy, how did Woody Harrelson find that guy in the Mexican hospital so fast?