Thursday, October 11, 2007

Wedding Behavior

I have a family wedding this weekend. It is my cousin, Amanda's, wedding. However, at the same time as the ceremony is my cousin, Mike's, football game. I actually really don't even know Amanda that well at all. She has just recently started coming to family functions. And I don't even know if I have had more than a conversation or two with ever in our lifetimes. But I am going to the wedding reception anyhow, maybe because this is the only wedding I have been invited to this year. I also have heard that my brother, brother in law, father, uncle, and cousin are all also opting to go to Mike's game to see him Kick Ass rather than going to a boring wedding ceremony. This is Mike, whom I know much better and have numerous conversations with. And while Amanda will probably only get married once. Mike only has 16 or 17 more games left in his football career. My sister in law, Julie, feels that this is wrong. I do not see what the big deal is about missing the ceremony. Trust me, the people getting married will not know if I am sitting in the back of the church or not. In fact, when I see Amanda at the reception, I am going to say "It was a beautiful ceremony." And she will say, "Thanks, I am glad you could make it." She is going to be so concerned about 100 other things that she won't even know that I am not there. Plus, my free time is precious. I would much rather be at a football game than in church. Ironically, I would also rather my soul end up in heaven than burning in hell for eternity. Anyhow, Julie asked me to put up a poll to my readers to see what is the proper thing to do. After my last poll, I have learned that I really don't care about my readers opinion, especially when I don't get the answer I am looking for. But in the case of these two polls I really don't care what the outcome is.
Is it disrespectful to miss the ceremony and just show to the wedding reception?
Yes, the ceremony is the most important part of the wedding.
No, I consider football to be a religious experience.
Who cares, they will probably be divorced in a year.
Go where the alcohol is.
Free polls from
On the heals of that poll, here is another poll because I know this will happen this weekend.
Which guess would you rather have at your wedding?
Someone who misses the ceremony but wears a tie to the reception.
Someone who goes to both the ceremony and reception, but doesn't wear a tie.
Who cares, just make sure you card has money in it.
Free polls from


Anonymous said...

Considering my wedding is probably one of the next family weddings... I hope that you don't choose football over my ceremony. (lucky for you - or me - my wedding will be in June and there is no football) I am assuming you know me as well as you know my I expect you in the front row of my wedding!!! And despite the 100 things going through my head, I WILL make sure you are at the ceremony... and wearing a tie!!!

Anonymous said...

For this wedding, lets get serious. Warhawk football game vs. wedding ceremony of a cousin you barely know. I'm sure you will make the right decision and I will see you at the game.

Rickie Davies said...

Kim, I get to be in the front row for you wedding? Careful of what you say, I will end up holding you to it. While we are on the topic of seating assignments, am I going to be at Table 12 with the family misfits, or Table 5 with my brothers and sister?

Mike, Of course I will be at the game. I would like to be able to get through one Whitewater Football game without having any confrontations with the "fuzz". You can count on me to be in the stands for at least the beginning of the game. But I expect you to turn around when I am yelling at you.

Anonymous said...

When is Mike going to take us out in Whitewater? Picture the scene in Beerfest- Party Brigade. You know Tree and Stegall would be down!

Back to Whitewater!


Rickie Davies said...

Bubs, The wheels are in motion. I will hook up a night of house parties at Whitewater. Right Mike?