Thursday, October 09, 2008

Burn After Reading

This is the latest of the Coen Brothers movies. Other notable films include Fargo, The Big Lebowski and last years Academy Awards Best Picture, No Country For Old Men. I really liked Fargo and The Big Lebowski, so when a Coen Brothers movie comes out, I just have to go and see it. I really don't know how to describe this movie. Their really isn't much of a plot. I liken it to Pulp Fiction where it seems their are a number of different story lines going on, and throughout the movie they all tie in together. As best as I can summarize, a CIA analyst (John Malkovich)quits his job and begins to write his memoirs. Two nit wits (Brad Pitt and Frances McDormand) come across a CD with some of these memoirs on it, and they try black mailing this agent, thinking it is more valuable than it really is. Meanwhile, this analyst's wife is cheating on him with a gigolo (George Clooney), who is hitting it with anything that has a pulse. Their are a couple of murders and in the end the CIA covers up the whole thing and keeps people quiet by purchasing cosmetic surgeries. Brad Pitt plays the roll of an energetic moron wonderfully. He stereotypes the over committed personal trainer perfectly. My favorite line "He thinks it is a Schwinn." George Clooney is also very good, far from his smooth role in Oceans 11. But the best performance is by J.K. Simmons (from Juno and Spiderman) who plays the director of the CIA. He is irritated, confused and annoyed. He is very believable. You would like to think that this isn't the way that our government works, but chances are, if those walls could talk, this wouldn't be the craziest story. It is no Fargo or Big Lebowski, but if you like either of those movies, you will like this one, just not as much. I give this one a 7.


Anonymous said...

Burn After Reading is all about what happens when morons think they are smarter than they really are (something so prevalent in today's society). So when uber-psyched Chad Feldheimer (Brad Pitt) and Linda Litzke (Frances McDormand),two personal trainers at a local fitness center, attempt to blackmail a former CIA agent (John Malkovich), funny things happen. Add in married slimeball Treasury Agent Harry Pfarrer (George Clooney) who cruises internet dating sites for the next lonely woman he can nail, and ala Kenny Banya you've got Gold, Jerry! Gold! Each colorful character is either cheating on their mate, or has some unrequited love for another.

When Pitt's and Mcdormand's blackmail attempt is rebuffed by John Malkovich, you really get to see the extent of the protagonists' idiocy. Including a scene where a frustrated Pitt and McDormand march into the Russian Embassy to see if they can get some value for their worthless wares.

Some of my favorite scenes are the blackmail conversations between Malkovich and Pitt, as the former CIA agent cannot believe just how dim-witted these people are.

There are trademark Coen Borthers elements- graphic violence, plot twists, dark comedy. So if you like that kind of stuff, you'll like this movie. If you want to see a comedy with a bunch of simple gags and goofy jokes, you should skip this one. The movie is short (1 hr. 35 min), but manages to pack a lot of good things in that short amount of time.

I would give this movie a 7 out of 10, and recommend it to anyone who loves a dark comedy. I also think George Clooney should give Stegall his desk chair back.


Rickie Davies said...

Well said my friend.