Thursday, April 06, 2006

Picture of the Day

This picture was taken on October 28th, 1999 at a Holiday Inn, in Baltimore, Maryland. It was when I was done working, and I got back to the hotel and went and worked out. As I was headed back up to my room, the elevator repair man was working on the elevator. I am pretty sure I made some stupid remark about Die Hard and I might have called him John McClaine. Anyhow I grabbed my camera from my room and got a picture. Again I thought it would be a funny picture. I am not sure if it is or not. Anyhow there you go that is the story behind this picture. Tonight is the first night of the Spring Kickball season. I have been playing for quite a few years now. So from time to time on my blog I will be posting a link to the kickball league webpage so you can follow along with me as I strive to reclaim my kickball league home run title. I captured it a couple years ago. But I haven't done so great in the last couple of seasons. I am ready and healthy this year so we will see what happens. I also need to make my readers aware that I might not be putting as much time and effort into my blog as I have in the last month or so. The reason being is that "Brokeback Mountain" just came out on DVD. And you know I was first in line to get it. I have already watched it a half a dozen times. It is a great story, and after a while you don't even realize that this movie is about two guys pounding each other. Plus the scenery is just breath taking. Just an incredible love story. I am still mad that it didn't win best movie. Hopefully you can read into this my sarcasm because I think I am laying it on pretty thick.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks as if you were in a custodian's closet.