Thursday, November 16, 2006

Christmas Fines

I think people should get fined for putting up Christmas decorations up too early and also for leaving them up too long. Not that I should care that much since I am just renting up here in Minnesota. But my neighbor across the street from me already has Christmas decorations up. They were up last weekend. I have put mine up early before, but never before Thanksgiving. And I think if you do put them up before Thanksgiving you should be fined. Or maybe you can put up the lights but you can't turn them on until after Thanksgiving. Also leaving them up too long is another holiday faux pas. I know that my brother, Dan, has left them up year round before. Not good. Another fine. Clark W. Griswold would not be happy.


Anonymous said...

The lights came down in May! And I think I was crippled that winter.

Rickie Davies said...

You honor, the prosecution withdraws it's claim that the defendent kept his Christmas light up year round. However in light of this new testimony it if pleases the court, I suggest the jury be dismissed so that we can move to an immediate Article 39a Session. The witness has rights. (A Few Good Men).

Please pay your fine.