Friday, November 10, 2006

Thanks For The Help

Believe it or not, I think I have actually matured. I realized this in just the last two days. Remember when you first get your drivers license and you speed everywhere and pass every car that you get a chance to pass. Well in the last two days on the way to work I got passed. I was going 60 mph in 55 mph. And just to show my maturity did I only not flip the person off, but I actually slowed down to allow their passing to be safer and easier. However, my driving habits were severely changed back when I got my $820 wreckless driving ticket in Virginia.
Now on to why I am thanking you for your help. Last I checked, my poll on if I should get a girlfriend or not was tied at 6-6. I am going to go out on a limb and say that the girls voted that I get a girlfriend and the guys voted against it. Well now I don't know what to do. On a completely different topic. I am currently in Prescott, Wisconsin on my job and the snow is really coming down here. I hope everyone has a good weekend and let's all keep our fingers crossed and maybe I won't get thrown out of the Whitewater/River Falls Football game. And on my drive home from my project I ran into these sheep on the road. I take the back roads to avoid traffic lights. And one of the roads is actually gravel and surrounded by farms. I have no idea where these sheep came from or where they were going. Do you have any idea where they were going Clarice? You can't save them all Agent Starling. Nonetheless most people do not run into livestock on their commute home from work.


Anonymous said...


I will break the tie for you. Yes and Yes! Please get a girlfriend. Having just logged on for the first time in a while, I am not sure how the debate came up. That said, I need not know the story if it will end up with you getting a girlfriend. As long as she isn't from Canada or Niagra Falls.

Rickie Davies said...

Thanks for breaking the tie. I will see what I can do in that department. I make no promises.

Anonymous said...

I have a single friend who just moved to MN from WI like you. I don't know you--I found your blog by chance last spring but you seem relatively normal--most of the time. I send your interesting blog entries to my single friend trying to encourage her to start dating again--and to start with you. Too bad you are bound and determined to remain single--she is tall, gorgeous and brillant. So when you get over yourself :) and you decide you need a girlfriend, or at least a date in MN, notify your blog.

Rickie Davies said...

I am skeptical, but I will give anything a shot once. Tall, gorgeous and brillant? She would have been out of my league with any of the three. Let the games begin.

Anonymous said...

Her name is Nicole and she is willing to give a go as well. Post your email address and she will be in touch.
My work here is done.
Over and out.

Rickie Davies said...

Here you go.

Anonymous said...

Posting someone else's email address is lame. Nevermind. You are exhausting.

Rickie Davies said...

That is my email address.

Anonymous said...

who the hell is Mitch?

Rickie Davies said...

It is a "Caddyshack" reference.

Anonymous said...

Oops. Okay. I will pass on the email address.
Now I am really out of this.

Anonymous said...

Tall, Gorgeous, AND Brilliant? There's so few of us. Ricky, give me the 411 on the hairpin.


Rickie Davies said...

Sorry Bubs, but the only one I might be able to give you is brilliant. And since you are directly related to Justus that doesn't help the cause.